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2 brothers condemned to die for the 'Wichita massacre' want a new sentencing hearing

来源:World Wanderer news portal编辑:politics时间:2024-06-03 17:27:36

Attorneys for two brothers who were sentenced to die in a quadruple killing known as the “Wichita massacre” will argue Monday for a formal resentencing hearing, the latest in a long series of appeals.

How the sentencing was handled has long been a point of contention because the two brothers — Jonathan and Reginald Carr — had a joint hearing when jurors considered their punishments. Prosecutors plan to oppose the latest effort.

The prosecution has long argued that the brothers broke into a home in December 2000 and forced the three men and two women there to have sex with one another and later to withdraw money from ATMs. Jonathan Carr was 20 and Reginald Carr was 23 when the murders occurred; they are now 44 and 46, and both are incarcerated at the state’s maximum-security prison in El Dorado, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northeast of Wichita.

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